Getränk ◦ Vollkornbrot ◦ Lebensmittel ◦ wrinkle ◦ voll ◦ Kanne ◦ fat ◦ Brokkoli ◦ to nibble ◦ tail ◦ Bratkartoffel ◦ Messer ◦ Pfeffer ◦ to seem ◦ Senf ◦ Schinken ◦ | jambon ◦ full ◦ teapot ◦ lleno ◦ gras ◦ prosciutto ◦ parecer ◦ boisson ◦ knife ◦ arruga ◦ grasso ◦ fett ◦ bebida ◦ mustard ◦ poivre ◦ aliments ◦ ветчина́ ◦ pieno ◦ ham ◦ ride ◦ cola ◦ sembler ◦ grignoter ◦ broccoli ◦ jamón ◦ scheinen ◦ нож ◦ напи́ток ◦ théière ◦ drink ◦ brocoli ◦ gros ◦ moutarde ◦ queue ◦ cuchillo ◦ plein ◦ mordiller ◦ pain complet ◦ couteau ◦ dick ◦ проду́кты ◦ gordo ◦ pomme de terre sautée ◦ |